Tips For Selecting Fonts For Best Indian Wedding Invitations

Indian Wedding Invitations

Indian Wedding Invitations | Image Resource :

Indian weddings are by default great, an event which is admired and awaited for years. It is a blend of luxury, glory, colours, grandness, music, dance, traditions, brightness, and mixed emotions all over. The act of wedding is being performed with magnificence since ages. In the beginning of the era in India, only royal families used to celebrate weddings with a lavish atmosphere inviting the whole empire and people from other countries. However, with change in time and increase in affordability by the people in India, every family rejoices the event with glitters.

Almost every community in India enjoys wedding as per their luxury or comfort level. There can be many similarities among the wedding of different communities, and one is Indian wedding invitations. Irrespective of the religion, every wedding preparation begins with cards which are printed and personally given to the guests to attend the wedding ceremonies.

Indian wedding invitations- focus on main elements

The wedding cards in the present day are based on themes, religion, price quote, style, paper, and other factors. One can find wedding cards complimented with chocolates and sweets or sometimes a silver gift to make it look copious. Nonetheless, among so many shiny aspects of decoration to cards, people are overlooking or neglecting the style of font. Just imagine a beautiful velvet wedding card enhanced with golden and shining border, with a scented fragrance coming out the moment the card is opened. But wait, there is no content! Oops, the content is so small and light in colour that it is visible only when focus is given.

In such a case, the luxury and preparations go in vain as the guests have to assume everything on their own or call the family. Such a bad thing! Therefore, please pay attention to the font which needs to be in big size and cleanly mentioned. Some people go for a funky font which appears stylish but is not readable at all. So, experts suggest keeping the font as simple as you can. To impress the readers or guests however, catchy lines or quotes can be added. When fonts are important, so is the paper as it is the base for the Indian wedding invitations. The paper should be such that should hold the ink prints. Some people go for delicate papers which fade away the ink or spread the ink, or can even spoil the entire look. So again, go for simple ones!

Fonts matching the Indian wedding cards- keep them noted

There are basically three kinds of fonts preferred in India, they are as follows-

English fonts: This is the most common font chosen by the majority of the communities. English now easily understood by anyone, no matter from which country. It is a universal language. However, the font style can be chosen as per the requirements. For a curvy style, Vivaldi or Edwardian script is ideal. This is classic and looks decorative. To focus on the words, choose smarkan font for the Indian wedding invitations, they are a combination of Hindi and English.

Hindi fonts: If you are planning for an authentic Indian or pure traditional card then Hindi fonts can be a right choice. Including some mantras or Shlokas in Hindi or Sanskrit language can improve the style of card by multiple times.

Regional fonts: Our nation has so many languages; some are Hindi, Punjabi, Telugu, Marathi, Bengali, Tamil and lots more. To bring a touch of culture and religion, fonts in regional language can bring uniqueness to the entire card.

When you are about to prepare or choose your wedding cards, do remember the above mentioned details.


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