Nano Wires : The Future Of Technology!

Everyday a new invention takes birth. Many of these discoveries prove to be the life blood of industries. They are of high capability to bring a big bright change in the present era. Nanotechnology is one such technology. It captures many important features which influence a wide area under the application of science and technology. It touches almost every single thing in today’s world.

Nanotechnology has given many useful products to this world. Naming a few they are nanoparticles of various elements and compounds, nanopowder, nano tubes, nano wires, etc. Each of this variety of nanotechnology has wide range of application and uses in different fields.

This new technology deals with the properties of different elements of their nano sized particles. It has helped to manipulate and design the elements in a totally new form; it is because nanotechnology surrounds a much deeper study of the properties of the respective elements.

Know More About Nano Wires!

It is important to know what nanowire is. Nanowire is also like other varieties of nanostructure but it varies in the length to width ratio which is much higher than 1000. It appears like a wire i.e. it has a diameter in the range of nanometers and length 1000 times more than the diameter.

There are many applications of this variety of nanotechnology. Some of its application is in electronic devices like for designing logic gates. Also, it is used for detecting proteins and chemicals and used in probes for exploring and studying interiors of the cell.

There are various forms of nano wire available in market differing in the element and size and ratio. A major classification includes element nanowire, metal oxide nanowire and semiconductor nanowire.

Under element nanowire we have varieties of cobalt nanowire, gold nanowire, iron nanowire, lead nanowire, nickel nanowire and silver nanowire. There is also a huge variety of metal oxide nanowire like Aluminum Oxide nanowire, Manganese Oxide nanowire, Nickel Oxide nanowire, Tungsten Oxide nanowire, Vanadium Oxide nanowire, Titanium Oxide nanowire, etc. The Titanium Oxide nanowire varies in the ratio of diameter and length.


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